API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgGraphicsElement Class > OdDgGraphicsElement Methods > OdDgGraphicsElement::setTransparency Method
OdDgGraphicsElement::setTransparency Method
virtual OdResult setTransparency(const OdCmTransparency& transparency, bool doSubents = true);
const OdCmTransparency& transparency 
[in] OdCmTransparency object be assigned.  
bool doSubents = true 
[in] If and only if true, applies the change to all sub-entities owned by this entity. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Sets the transparency setting of this entity, and returns eOk if successful. 


If you override this function, you must call OdDbEntity::setTransparency(), passing to it the calling arguments.

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