API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgGraphicsElement Class > OdDgGraphicsElement Methods
OdDgGraphicsElement Methods

The methods of the OdDgGraphicsElement class are listed here.

This is get3dFormatFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
The method returns the element class property. See Class enumeration ocumentation for more details. 
details This ones are similar to get/setColorIndex() but use color tables to find/create indexed colors. 
Operate with color indices. See OdDg::ColorIndexConstants for some special values. See OdDgColorTable for the methods to translate indices to RGB values and back 
Operate with element fills. 
This is getFillColorIndex, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getFillType, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getGradientFill, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
The method returns the entry id of the graphics group. 
Operate with element hatch pattern. 
The H-bit means the following:
  • It indicates whether the element is a solid or a hole for closed element types as shape, complex shape, ellipse, cone, B-spline surface header, and closed B-spline curve header:
    • false is Solid
    • true is Hole
  • For a cell header if the H-bit is
    • false = Header for a cell
    • true = Header for an orphan cell
  • For a a line:
    • false = Line segment
    • true = Infinite-length line
  • For a point string element:
    • false = Continuous
    • true = Disjoint
The H-bit has no meaning in other elements. 
Returns the visibility status of this graphic element. 
This is getLevelId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Operate with line styles. See OdDg::LineStyleConstants for some special values. 
This is getLineStyleId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Operate with line weights. See OdDg::LineWeightConstants for some special values. 
This is getMaterial, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getNonPlanarFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getNotSnappableFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getPriority, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is getThickness, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Returns the transparency setting of this entity. 
This is getViewIndependentFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is the overview for the intersectWith method overload. 
Operate with materials. 
This is list, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Sets the bit flag indicating the element's geometry is changed.
The method changes the element class property. See Class enumeration ocumentation for more details. 
This is the overview for the setColor method overload. 
This is setColorIndex, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Applies the default properties of the specified database to this entity.
This is setFillColor, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setFillType, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setGradientFill, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
The method changes the graphics group entry id of the current element. 
This is setHatchPattern, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setHbitFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Sets the visibility status of this graphic element.
This is setLevelEntryId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setLevelId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setLineStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setLineStyleId, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setLineWeight, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is the overview for the setMaterial method overload. 
This is setNonPlanarFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setNotSnappableFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setPriority, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
This is setThickness, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Sets the transparency setting of this entity, and returns eOk if successful.
This is setViewIndependentFlag, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
This is the overview for the subGetGeomExtents method overload. 
This is the overview for the subIntersectWith method overload. 
This is subList, a member of class OdDgGraphicsElement. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set.
it should be called by any object that could have common auxiliary drawable properties (e.c., patterns) 
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