API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgElement Class > OdDgElement Methods > OdDgElement::deepClone Method
OdDgElement::deepClone Method
virtual OdDgElementPtr deepClone(OdDgIdMapping& ownerIdMap) const;
OdDgIdMapping& ownerIdMap 
[in] Owner's ID map. 

Performs a deep clone of this object. 


Returns a SmartPointer to the newly created clone, and adds a record to the specified ID map. 

If the cloning operation fails, a null SmartPointer is returned. 

A deep clone is a clone of this object and everything it owns. 

This function should not be called by client code; use OdDgDatabase::deepCloneObjects() instead. 

This function can be overridden in custom classes. 

The default implementation of this function appends the cloned object to the specified owner object.

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