API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgElement Class > OdDgElement Methods
OdDgElement Methods

The methods of the OdDgElement class are listed here.

This is the overview for the addLinkage method overload. 
Adds the specified persistent reactor to this element's reactor list.
Adds the specified transient reactor to this element's reactor list.
OdRxObject overridden 
Adds the XAttribute with specified handler ID. 
This function appends this object to the specified owner object.
This is applyPartialUndo, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDg::kForNotify. 
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDg::kForRead. 
Throws an exception if this object is not open OdDg::kForWrite, and controls automatic undo and notification of modifications.
Returns the cloneMeForDragging flag for this entity. 
Notification function called immediately before an element is closed.
Notification function called whenever the notifying element has had its clone() member function called.
Writes object references of this object during wblock clone.
Copies the contents of the specified object into this object when possible.
This is copyLinkageReferencesForWBlockClone, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is copyXAttributeReferencesForWBlockClone, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Returns the OdDgDatabase that contains this object. 
Performs a deep clone of this object.
Reads the DGN format data of this object from the specified file.
Reads the DGN data of this object.
Writes the DGN format data of this object to the specified filer.
Writes the DGN data of this object.
Controls the undo recording of this object in OdDgDatabase.
Downgrades this object from OdDg::kForWrite to OdDg::kForRead, and returns isReadEnabled(); 
Notification function called when this entity is involved in a drag operation.
Returns the Object ID of this object. 
Sets the erased mode of this object.
Notification function called whenever an element has been erased or unerased.
This is explode, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is explodeGeometry, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is explodeGeometryToBlock, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is explodeToBlock, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Returns the element subtype. 
Returns the element type. 
This is getGeometryModified, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is the overview for the getGeomExtents method overload. 
This is the overview for the getGripPoints method overload. 
Returns the time of the last modification (milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970) 
This is the overview for the getLinkages method overload. 
Returns true if and only if this element is marked as locked. 
This is the overview for the getOsnapPoints method overload. 
Returns this element's persistent reactors.
This is getStretchPoints, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Returns the String Linkage value. 
Creates a copy of this element, and applies the supplied transformation to the newly created copy.
Returns this element's transient reactors.
This is the overview for the getXAttributes method overload. 
Returns the XData Linkage value. 
Notification function called just before an element is deleted from memory.
Notification function called when this entity is involved in a grip operation.
This is gsNode, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Replaces this database -resident (DBRO) object with the specified non- database -resident (NDBRO) object, while retaining this object's elementId, handle, owner, and reactor list.
This method returns true if elmId is the Element ID of a reactor attached to this element. Otherwise, it returns false.
Returns the hideMeForDragging flag for this entity. 
This is highlight, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is id, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is isContentSnappable, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Returns true if and only this object is a database -resident object. 
Returns true if and only if this object is marked as erased. 
Returns true if and only if an object derived from OdDbEntity has been modified. 
Returns true if and only if this object has not been closed since it was created. 
Returns true if and only if this object is open OdDg::kForNotify. 
Returns true if and only if this object's Object ID is not valid because the OdDgElement::subDeepClone or OdDgElement::subWblockClone() have yet to be completed. 
This is isPersistent, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Returns true if and only if this object is open OdDg::kForRead. 
Returns true if and only if this object is open OdDg::kForWrite. 
Notification function called whenever an element is opened OdDg::kForWrite, a function has been called that could modify the contents of this element, and this element is now being closed.
Notification function called whenever an geometry of element derived from OdDgGraphicsElement is modified.
Notification function called whenever an element derived from OdDgGraphicsElement is modified.
Notification function called whenever the attribute linkages has been written to the notifying element.
Notification function called whenever the notifying element is in the midst an Undo operation that is undoing modifications.
This is the overview for the moveGripPointsAt method overload. 
Moves the specified stretch points of this entity.
This is numRefs, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Notification function called whenever an element is opened for modify OdDg::kForWrite.
Returns the element ID of this element's owner. 
Notification function called whenever a Redo process processes the reappending of the notifying element to the database.
Sets the bit flag indicating the entity's geometry is changed.
Allows a subelement of a complex element to notify its root element that it has been changed.
This is release, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Removes the linkages with specified application ID. 
Removes the specified persistent reactor from this element's reactor list.
Removes the specified transient reactor from this element's reactor list.
Removes the XAttributes with specified handler ID. 
This is setGeometryModified, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is setGsNode, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Sets the linkages with specified application ID. 
This is setLockedFlag, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Called on a new created cloned object to indicate that its Object ID is not valid. 
Sets this element's ownerId data member.
Copies the properties from the specified entity to this entity.  
Sets the String Linkage value. 
Sets the XAttributes with specified handler ID. 
Sets the XData Linkage value. 
Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database -resident objects only.
When overriding this function:
1) If the OdDgElement's state is incorrect, return something other than eOk.
2) If the parent class's subClose() returns anything other than eOk, immediately return it.
3) If other actions are required before close, do them.
4) Return eOk.
If you must make changes to this object's state, either make them after step 2, or roll them back if step 2 returns false.
The default implementation of this function does nothing but return eOk. This function can be overridden in... more 
Notification function called whenever a method of the specified subelement has called assertWriteEnabled()
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Called as the first operation of the handOverTo function.
Notification function called by the ODA Drawings API for DGN immediately before an object is opened.
This is subSetAttributes, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Called as the first operation of swapIdWith
This is subTransformBy, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Swaps the elementIDs, and handles between this object and another object.
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
Notification function called whenever the Undo process processes the appending of the notifying element to the database.
Returns the undo filer associated with this object. 
This is updateFieldReferencesForWBlockClone, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is updateLinkageReferencesForWBlockClone, a member of class OdDgElement. 
This is updateXAttributeReferencesForWBlockClone, a member of class OdDgElement. 
Upgrades this object from OdDg::kForRead to OdDg::kForWrite if there is only one reader, and returns isWriteEnabled(); 
Performs a shallow clone of this object.
Allows a subelement of a complex element to notify its root element that it has been changed. 
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