API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgDatabase Class > OdDgDatabase Methods > readFile Method > OdDgDatabase::readFile Method (OdString&, Oda::FileShareMode, bool)
OdDgDatabase::readFile Method (OdString&, Oda::FileShareMode, bool)
void readFile(const OdString& fileName, Oda::FileShareMode shareMode = Oda::kShareDenyWrite, bool partialLoad = false);
const OdString& fileName 
[in] Name of the file from which the data are to be read.  
Oda::FileShareMode shareMode = Oda::kShareDenyWrite 
[in] Share mode to use when opening the specified file.  
bool partialLoad = false 
[in] Controls the partial loading of DGN files.  
[in] Pointer to an OdDgAuditInfo object.  
[in] Password for file. 

Reads the contents of the specified file into this database object. 


The specified OdDgAuditInfo object controls the audit, and receives the audit status. If pAuditInfo is non-zero, a recover will be performed instead of a load.

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