API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgDatabase Class > OdDgDatabase Methods
OdDgDatabase Methods

The methods of the OdDgDatabase class are listed here.

Aborts the current transaction associated with this database object. 
Adds an object to this database object, and returns its Element ID.
Adds the specified reactor to this object's reactor list.
OdRxObject overridden 
Adds a transaction reactor to this database object.
This is applyPartialUndo, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Returns the OdDgHostAppServices object associated with this database object. 
This is assertWriteEnabled, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is blockUndoRecording, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is clearUndo, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Remove unused dgn elements from database.
This is createThumbnail, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Deep clones a set of objects, and appends the clones to the specified in owner object.
Controls the undo recording of this object in OdDbDatabase.
Ends the current transaction associated with this database object. 
This is formatter, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
active angle 
active cell name 
element symbology - color 
active level ID 
element symbology - style 
element symbology - weight 
active model ID 
active patterning angle 
second pattern angle (for x-hatch) 
active patterning cell 
active patterning column spacing 
active patterning row spacing 
active patterning scale 
active point cell name 
active point character, if symbol 
active point type. 0 = none, 1 = symbol, 2 = cell 
element properties word 
active line terminator cell name, if cell 
active line terminator scale 
last selected text style id 
active view group id 
This is getAmbientFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getAmbientIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
angle readout format 
This is getAngleReadoutBaseAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getAngleReadoutClockwiseFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getAngleReadoutDirectionMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
control angle-to-string conversion. 
angle round-off 
angle threshold (radians) 
This is getArcLength, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArcMinimum, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
for circles and arcs 
active area patterning angle 
active area patterning column spacing 
active area patterning row spacing 
area threshold (radians) 
This is getArrayColumnDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayFillAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayNumCols, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayNumItems, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayNumRows, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayRotate, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getArrayRowDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
elements to make associations for 
This is getAutochainTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
automatic dimensioning flags 
This is getAxisLockAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getAxisLockOrigin, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
azimuth true north angle 
This is getBackgroundFile, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getBSplineOrder, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
cell library file name 
This is getCenteredFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getChamferDist1, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getChamferDist2, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getColorBookTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getColorTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
used for cones only 
This is getConeRadius2, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getConslineDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getControl1Flags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getControlFlags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getCopparDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getCurrentPenTableFile, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getCustomScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getDefaultModelId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
default mode for snapping 
This is getDesignCenterUnits, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getDictionaryTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getDictionaryTableId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getDimStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
displayable attribute type 
This is getDisplayStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
DMRS flag 
linkage generation mode (DMRS) 
Returns the Element ID corresponding to the specified handle object in this database.
This is getElementTemplateTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getEnvironmentMapTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getExactHLineAccuracy, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Tolerance for exact hidden line removal 
This is getExtendDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getExtLock2Flags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getExtLockFlags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
range - high 
range - lo 
Degree of distance cueing at far clip plane 
Returns the name of the file associated with this database object. 
Color for filled elements 
This is getFilletRadius, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getFlashbulbFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getFlashIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getFontTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Offset to greenwich mean time 
This is getHandseed, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Color of fog 
Highlight color 
This is getKeepSolarDirectionFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
divisor for keypoint snapping 
This is getLastSaveTime, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLatitude, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLevelFilterTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLevelTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Active line style info 
This is getLineStyleDefTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Line style global display scale 
This is getLineStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLinkSetTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLockFlags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getLongitude, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getMajorVersion, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getMargins, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getMaterialTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getMaxPolygonSize, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getMinorVersion, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getModelTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Multiline flags 
This is getMultilineStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getNamedViewTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Degree of distance cueing at near clip plane 
Distance to begin distance cueing 
This is getNextGraphicGroup, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getNonModelElementCollection, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Returns the version of the file from which this database object was read.
This is getOriginalFormat, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPaperName, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPaperSize, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Stroke tol for patterns (uors) 
This is getPlotOrigin, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPlotPaperUnits, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPlotRotation, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPlotType, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPlotWindow, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPointDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPointsBetween, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPolygonEdges, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPolygonRadius, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPrintLineWeightsFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPrintStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getPrototypeElementTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Returns this database's reactors.
This is getRegAppTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
reserved for future cell settings 
Returns the state of the RetainOriginalThumbnailBitmap flag. 
scale lock roundoff value 
This is getSaveMaterialAssignmentTableFileFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getScalePlotStyleLineTypesFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
...otherwise use this. 
FALSE means use highlight color... 
This is getShadowTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSharedCellDefinitionTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getShowPlotStyleFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarDirection, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarShadowResolution, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarShadowsFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSolarTime, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
solar direction vector override 
Year for solar light calculations 
This is getStandartScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
stream delta 
stream Tolerance 
This is getStrokeTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getSurrevAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
system class bit map 
This is getTagDefinitionSetTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
tentative point mode flag 
tentative point sub mode 
lock for text scale 
This is getTextStyleTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is the overview for the getThumbnail method overload. 
This is getUNDOMARKS, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getUseStandartScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is getViewGroupTable, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
active scale in x-axis 
xor color 
active scale in y-axis 
active scale in z-axis 
get Z range of 2d elements for this value 
get Z range of 2d elements for this value 
This is gsNode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Returns true if redo information exists of this database object. 
Returns true if undo information exists of this database object. 
This is hasUndoMark, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is id, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Adds the default set of objects and settings to this database object. 
This is isDBRO, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
  • details If multi-threaded mode is on, the method returns true. In the other case it returns false.
This is isPersistent, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is isUndoBlockStarted, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Returns true if and only if this object is open OdDb::kForWrite. 
Returns which multi-threaded mode the database currently uses. 
Adds the specified name to the APPID table of this database object.
Returns the number of active transactions associated with this database object. 
This is numRefs, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is the overview for the readFile method overload. 
Reads the contents of the memory stream into this database object.
this method recommends the first view group that belongs to the 'active model 
Performs a redo operation on this database object. 
This is release, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Removes the specified reactor from this object's reactor list.
Removes the specified transaction reactor from this database object.
This is setActAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveCell, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveColorIndex, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveLevelEntryId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveLineStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveLineWeight, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveModelId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternAngle2, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternCell, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternColumnSpacing, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternRowSpacing, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePatternScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePointCell, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePointSymbol, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActivePointType, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveProps, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveTermCell, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveTermScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveTextStyleEntryId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setActiveViewGroupId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAmbientFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAmbientIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleFormat, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleReadoutBaseAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleReadoutClockwiseFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleReadoutDirectionMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleReadoutPrec, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleRnd, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAngleTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArcLength, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArcMinimum, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArcRadius, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAreaPatternAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAreaPatternColumnSpacing, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAreaPatternRowSpacing, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAreaTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayColumnDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayFillAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayNumCols, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayNumItems, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayNumRows, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayRotate, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setArrayRowDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAssocLockMask, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAutochainTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAutoDimFlags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAxisLockAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAxisLockOrigin, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setAzimuth, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setBackgroundFile, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setBSplineOrder, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setCellFileName, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setCenteredFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setChamferDist1, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setChamferDist2, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setConeRadius1, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setConeRadius2, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setConslineDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setCopparDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Sets the pen table (*.tbl) file.
This is setCustomScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDefaultModelId, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDefaultSnapMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDesignCenterUnits, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDispAttrType, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDMRSFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setDMRSLinkageGenerationMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setExactHLineAccuracy, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setExactHLineTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setExtendDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setExtMax, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setExtMin, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setFarDepthDensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setFillColorIndex, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setFilletRadius, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setFlashbulbFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setFlashIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setGMTOffset, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setGsNode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setHazeColor, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setHighlightColorIndex, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setKeepSolarDirectionFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setKeyPointDividend, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setLatitude, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setLineStyle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setLineStyleScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setLongitude, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setMargins, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setMaxPolygonSize, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setMultiLineFlags, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Sets a new multi-threaded mode for the database.
param [in] A new value of multi-threaded mode to be set. 
This is setNearDepthDensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setNearDepthDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setNextGraphicGroup, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setOriginalFormat, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPaperName, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPaperSize, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPatternTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotOrigin, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotPaperUnits, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotRotation, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotType, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPlotWindow, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPointDistance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPointsBetween, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPolygonEdges, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPolygonRadius, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setPrintLineWeightsFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setReservedCell, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Controls the state of the RetainOriginalThumbnailBitmap flag.
This is setRoundScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSaveMaterialAssignmentTableFileFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setScalePlotStyleLineTypesFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSelectionHighlightColor, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSelectionHighlightOverride, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setShadowTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setShowPlotStyleFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarDirection, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarIntensity, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarShadowResolution, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarShadowsFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarTime, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarVectorOverride, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSolarYear, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setStandartScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setStreamDelta, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setStreamTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setStrokeTolerance, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSurrevAngle, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setSystemClass, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setTentativeMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setTentativeSubMode, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setTextScaleLock, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is the overview for the setThumbnail method overload. 
This is setUndoMark, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setUseStandartScaleFlag, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setXActScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setXorColorIndex, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setYActScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setZActScale, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setZRange2dHigh, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is setZRange2dLow, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Starts a new transaction of this database object. 
Starts undo recording of this database object. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
This is subViewportDraw, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
Performs an undo operation on this database object. 
This is undoBack, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is undoFiler, a member of class OdDgDatabase. 
This is the overview for the wblockCloneObjects method overload. 
This is the overview for the writeFile method overload. 
Writes the contents of this database object to the memory stream.
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