API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgDatabase Class > OdDgDatabase Methods > OdDgDatabase::deepCloneObjects Method
OdDgDatabase::deepCloneObjects Method
void deepCloneObjects(const OdDgElementIdArray& objectIds, OdDgElementId ownerId, OdDgIdMapping& idMap, bool deferXlation = false);
const OdDgElementIdArray& objectIds 
[in] Array of Object IDs of the objects to be cloned.  
OdDgElementId ownerId 
[in] Object ID of owner object.  
OdDgIdMapping& idMap 
[in/out] ID map.  
bool deferXlation = false 
[in] Defer translation. 

Deep clones a set of objects, and appends the clones to the specified in owner object. 


idMap associates the Object IDs of the original objects with the Object IDs of the newly created clones. 

When cloning objects with different owner IDs, a separate call to this function is required for each ownerId. In this case, all but the final call to this function should be made with deferXlation == true. This defers translation until all objects have been cloned. 

A deep clone is a clone of the specified objects and everything they own.


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