API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineSurface Class > OdDgBSplineSurface Methods > evaluate Method > OdDgBSplineSurface::evaluate Method (double, double, OdGePoint3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&)
OdDgBSplineSurface::evaluate Method (double, double, OdGePoint3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&)
OdResult evaluate(double dU, double dV, OdGePoint3d& pos, OdGeVector3d& uDeriv, OdGeVector3d& vDeriv, OdGeVector3d& uuDeriv, OdGeVector3d& uvDeriv, OdGeVector3d& vvDeriv) const;
double dU 
[in] u direction parameter.  
double dV 
[in] v direction parameter.  
OdGePoint3d& pos 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the evaluated position on the surface.  
OdGeVector3d& uDeriv 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to u.  
OdGeVector3d& vDeriv 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to v.  
OdGeVector3d& uuDeriv 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to u twice.  
OdGeVector3d& uvDeriv 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to u and v.  
OdGeVector3d& vvDeriv 
[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to v twice.

Returns eOk if evaluation is successfully done. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the u or v value is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.

Evaluates the position and first and second derivatives on the NURBS surface at the specified parameter value (u, v). 


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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