API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineCurve2d Class > OdDgBSplineCurve2d Methods > OdDgBSplineCurve2d::insertControlPointAt Method
OdDgBSplineCurve2d::insertControlPointAt Method
OdResult insertControlPointAt(double knotParam, const OdGePoint2d& ctrlPt, double weight = 1.0);
double knotParam 
[in] The knot parameter to add the control point at.  
const OdGePoint2d& ctrlPt 
[in] Coordinates of the control point to be added.  
double weight = 1.0 
[in] The weight to be assigned to the control point. 

eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Inserts a control point at the specified knot. 


When called for a non-rational spline, weight is ignored.

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