API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineCurve2d Class > OdDgBSplineCurve2d Methods
OdDgBSplineCurve2d Methods

The methods of the OdDgBSplineCurve2d class are listed here.

This is clone, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
Increased the order of this spline to the specified value. 
generates Ge-analogue of this object; could generate eInvalidInput exception if the object can not be converted 
Returns the area of this Curve object.
Control scale of start and end tangents. If true than tangent scaled by 1/3 of the chord length, defined by first two points or last two points. Otherwise tangents are scaled by Bessel length tangent formula. 
This is getClosedFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
Only for closed curves. If true than b-spline curve will have a geometrically smooth joint at the end point, otherwise there is no such enforcement applied. 
Returns the specified control point of this curve entity.
get/set curve display mode flag. 
Returns the distance along this Curve object from its start point to the point specified by param.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the end point of this Curve object.
Returns the WCS end point of this Curve object.
Returns the first derivative of this Curve object at the specified WCS point.
This is the overview for the getFitData method overload. 
Returns the specified fit point of this Spline entity.
Returns the start point and end point WCS fit tangents for this curve entity.  
The flag indicates whether the element is a solid or a hole for closed element types:
  • false is Solid
  • true is Hole
Returns the knots of this curve entity. 
Control mode of start and end tangent calculation. If true than used natural end tangents formula, otherwise used Bessel end tangent formula. 
Returns the NURBS data for this Spline entity.  
Returns an OdGeCurve3d that is geometrically identical to this OdDbCurve.  
Returns the order of this Spline entity. 
Returns the parameter corresponding to the point a specified distance along this Curve object from its start point.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the specified WCS point on this Curve object.
Returns the WCS point on this Curve object corresponding to the specified parameter.
get/set curve control polygon display mode flag. 
Returns the second derivative of this Curve object at the specified point.
Returns pointers to the curves that result from splitting this curve at the points corresponding to params.
Returns the parameter corresponding to the start point of this Curve object.
Returns the WCS start point of this Curve object.
Returns true if and only if this Spline entity is constructed using fit points. 
Inserts a control point at the specified knot.
Inserts a fit point into this curve entity after the specified index.
Inserts a knot value into this spline. 
Returns true if and only if this Curve object is closed. 
Returns true if the spline doesn't contain control points. 
Returns true if and only if this Curve object is periodic. 
Returns true if and only if this Spline entity is rational. 
Returns the number of control points in this curve entity. 
Returns the number of fit points in this Spline entity. 
Purges the fit data for this curve entity. 
Deletes a control point at the specified index.
Removes the specified fit point from this Spline entity.
This is reverseCurve, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setChordLenTangentsFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setClosedFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setColinearTangentsFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
Sets the specified control point of this curve entity.
This is setCurveDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is the overview for the setFitData method overload. 
Sets the specfied fit point of this Spline entity.
Sets the start point and end point WCS fit tangents for this curve entity.  
Takes an OdGeCurve3d and sets this OdDbCurve to be geometrically identical to the OdGeCurve3d.  
This is setFromOdGeNurbCurve, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setHoleFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setNaturalTangentsFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setNurbsData, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
This is setPolygonDisplayFlag, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
Sets the specified weight (DXF 41).  
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDgBSplineCurve2d. 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
OdGiDrawable overridden 
This is the overview for the TD_USING method overload. 
Returns the specified weight (DXF 41).  
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