API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbXline Class > OdDbXline Methods > OdDbXline::getPlane Method
OdDbXline::getPlane Method
virtual OdResult getPlane(OdGePlane& gePlane, OdDb::Planarity& gePlanarity) const;
OdGePlane& gePlane 
[out] Reference to a variable in which this method must save the plane parameters as a plane instance.  
OdDb::Planarity& gePlanarity 
[out] Reference to a variable in which this method must save the plane type (returns kLinear - arbitrary plane). 

Gets an arbitrary plane passed through the infinity line entity. This method is inherited from the OdDbEntity class. 


Example of Working with the Xline Object 

Working with Infinite Lines 

OdDbXline::isPlanar(), OdDbEntity::getPlane() methods

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