API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbUCSTableRecord Class > OdDbUCSTableRecord Methods > OdDbUCSTableRecord::setUcsBaseOrigin Method
OdDbUCSTableRecord::setUcsBaseOrigin Method
void setUcsBaseOrigin(const OdGePoint3d& gePoint, OdDb::OrthographicView nView);
const OdGePoint3d& gePoint 
[in] Three-dimensional point instance which stores the X,Y,Z coordinates of the origin for the orthographic view.  
OdDb::OrthographicView nView 
[in] Identifier of the orthographic view. 

Sets the origin of the user coordinate system (UCS) (DXF 13) for the specified orthographic view (DXF 71) in the world coordinate system (WCS), when the UCSBASE system variable is set to this UCS record object. 


The orthographic view identifier can take the following values: 1-Top, 2-Bottom, 3-Front, 4-Back, 5-Left, 6-Right.

Example of Working with the UCS Record Object 

Specific Properties of UCSs 

OdDbUCSTableRecord::ucsBaseOrigin() method

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