API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTextStyleTableRecord Class > OdDbTextStyleTableRecord Methods > OdDbTextStyleTableRecord::setFont Method
OdDbTextStyleTableRecord::setFont Method
void setFont(const OdString& typeface, bool bold, bool italic, int charset, int pitchAndFamily);
const OdString& typeface 
[in] Typeface name of the /Windows-font/.  
bool bold 
[in] True - to set the Bold font.  
bool italic 
[in] True - to set the Italic font.  
int charset 
[in] Windows character set identitier.  
int pitchAndFamily 
[in] Windows pitch and character family identifier. 

Associates the /Windows-font/ with the text style and sets its characteristics. 


If typeface is an empty string, this method disassociates the /Windows-font/ with this text style and removes information about it.

Fonts of Text Styles 

OdDbTextStyleTableRecord::font() method

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