API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbTextIterator Class > OdDbTextIterator Methods > OdDbTextIterator::createObject Method
OdDbTextIterator::createObject Method
static OdDbTextIteratorPtr createObject(const OdChar* textString, int length, bool raw, OdCodePageId codePageId, const OdGiTextStyle* pTextStyle);
const OdChar* textString 
[in] Text string to be parsed.  
int length 
[in] Length of string in bytes.  
bool raw 
[in] If and only if true, character sequences in the form of %%c will be treated as raw text.  
OdCodePageId codePageId 
[in] Object ID of the Code Page of the text.  
const OdGiTextStyle* pTextStyle 
[in] Pointer to the TextStyle object associated with the specified text. 

Returns a SmartPointer to the new OdDbTextIterator object.

Creates an TextIterator object for the specified data. 


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