API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSurface Class > OdDbSurface Methods > OdDbSurface::trimSurface Method
OdDbSurface::trimSurface Method
static OdResult trimSurface(const OdDbObjectId& blankSurfaceId, const OdDbObjectIdArray& toolIds, const OdDbObjectIdArray& toolCurveIds, const OdGeVector3dArray& projVectors, const OdGePoint3d& pickPoint, const OdGeVector3d& viewVector, bool bAutoExtend, bool bAssociativeEnabled);
const OdDbObjectId& blankSurfaceId 
[in] Reference to a surface to be trimmed.  
const OdDbObjectIdArray& toolIds 
[in] Reference to an array of the cutting entity's IDs. Bodies of specified entities are used to trim the specified surface.  
const OdDbObjectIdArray& toolCurveIds 
[in] Reference to an array of the cutting curve's IDs. The specified surface will be trimmed by projecting curves to it.  
const OdGeVector3dArray& projVectors 
[in] Reference to an array of projection direction for each cutting curve.  
const OdGePoint3d& pickPoint 
[in] Pick point that specifies which area of the specified surface must be trimmed.  
const OdGeVector3d& viewVector 
[in] Vector representing the view direction for creating a ray starting from the pick point.  
bool bAutoExtend 
[in] If this option is set, then when a tool body consists of a single face with analytic geometry, the underlying geometry will be extended as much as possible to make sure the surface is trimmed. The tool body supplied will not be modified.  
bool bAssociativeEnabled 
[in] Specifies whether the surface trimming operation should be associative.

Returns eOk if the trimming operation was successfully finished or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Trims a surface with specified cutting surfaces (curves). A surface can be trimmed by other surfaces or curves. When curves are used, the actual trimming boundary is formed by projecting the curves onto the surface, so the additional information of project direction needs to be provided. 


This method is not implemented.

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