API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSurface Class > OdDbSurface Methods > OdDbSurface::thicken Method
OdDbSurface::thicken Method
virtual OdResult thicken(double thickness, bool bBothSides, OdDb3dSolidPtr& pSolid) const;
double thickness 
[in] Amount to thicken the surface.  
bool bBothSides 
[in] Flag indicating whether the thickening should be applied to both sides of the surface.  
OdDb3dSolidPtr& pSolid 
[out] Reference to an OdDb3dSolid object pointer created during the thickening. If thickening fails, this parameter is NULL.

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Creates a 3D solid object by thickening the surface by a specified amount. 


A solid created by this method is not included in the database, so the caller is responsible for managing memory allocated for the solid. If thickness is less than zero, the surface will be thickened in the opposite direction. 

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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