API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSurface Class > OdDbSurface Methods > OdDbSurface::rayTest Method
OdDbSurface::rayTest Method
OdResult rayTest(const OdGePoint3d& rayBasePoint, const OdGeVector3d& rayDir, double rayRadius, OdArray<OdDbSubentId> & subEntIds, OdGeDoubleArray& parameters) const;
const OdGePoint3d& rayBasePoint 
[in] A base point to start a ray from.  
const OdGeVector3d& rayDir 
, [in] A ray direction.  
double rayRadius 
, [in] A ray radius. It defines the tolerance used for intersection checking.  
OdArray<OdDbSubentId> & subEntIds 
, [out] A reference to a subentities array to return. Returned subentities can be one of the following: faces, edges, or vertices.  
OdGeDoubleArray& parameters 
[out] An array of parameters to return. Parameters shows the intersection between a ray and subentities.

Returns eOk if a ray was successfully created or an appropriate error code in the other case.

Creates a ray which starts from a specified point and has a specified direction. 


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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