API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSurface Class > OdDbSurface Methods > OdDbSurface::imprintEntity Method
OdDbSurface::imprintEntity Method
virtual OdResult imprintEntity(const OdDbEntityPtr pEntity);
const OdDbEntityPtr pEntity 
[in] Pointer to the entity to be imprinted. The specified entity must one of the following types: OdDbCurve, OdDb3dSolid, OdDbSurface, OdDbBody, OdDbRegion, OdDbTrace, OdDbSolid, or OdDbFace.

Returns eOk if the intersection operation is successfully performed or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Intersects the specified entity with the surface and imprints the intersection graph onto the surface. 

In the case of creating a closed loop of edges, a new face is created. In the case of creating an open loop of edges, it can be added as a spur to an existing loop on a face or as a slit in the face. 


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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