API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSurface Class > OdDbSurface Methods > OdDbSurface::convertToRegion Method
OdDbSurface::convertToRegion Method
virtual OdResult convertToRegion(OdDbEntityPtrArray& regions);
OdDbEntityPtrArray& regions 
[out] Reference to an array of the OdDbRegion entities created from the face of the surface.

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Creates region (OdDbRegion class) entities for each face of the surface. 


The surface must be planar. Regions created by the method are not included in the database, so the caller is responsible for managing memory of the created OdDbRegion objects. 

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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