API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSpline Class > OdDbSpline Methods > getFitData Method > OdDbSpline::getFitData Method (OdGePoint3dArray&, int&, double&, bool&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&)
OdDbSpline::getFitData Method (OdGePoint3dArray&, int&, double&, bool&, OdGeVector3d&, OdGeVector3d&)
OdResult getFitData(OdGePoint3dArray& fitPoints, int& degree, double& fitTolerance, bool& tangentsExist, OdGeVector3d& startTangent, OdGeVector3d& endTangent) const;
OdGePoint3dArray& fitPoints 
[out] Receives the fit points.  
int& degree 
[out] Receives the degree.  
double& fitTolerance 
[out] Receives the fit tolerance.  
bool& tangentsExist 
[out] Receives true if and only if start and end tangents are used.  
OdGeVector3d& startTangent 
[out] Receives the start point tangent.  
OdGeVector3d& endTangent 
[out] Receives the end point tangent. 

Returns the fit data for this Spline entity. 


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