API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSortentsTable Class > OdDbSortentsTable Methods > OdDbSortentsTable::getRelativeDrawOrder Method
OdDbSortentsTable::getRelativeDrawOrder Method
void getRelativeDrawOrder(OdDbObjectIdArray& entityIds, OdUInt8 honorSortentsMask = 0) const;
OdDbObjectIdArray& entityIds 
[in/out] Entity IDs.  
OdUInt8 honorSortentsMask = 0 
[in] SORTENTS mask. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Rearranges the specified entity IDs into their current relative DrawOrder for this SortentsTable. 


If (honorSortentsMask ^ SORTENTS) != honorSortentsMask, the entities are returned unsorted. 

As implemented, honorSortentsMask is ignored. It will be fully implemented in a future release.

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