API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE Class > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE Methods > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE::setPrintScale Method
OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE::setPrintScale Method
virtual OdResult setPrintScale(OdDbPlotSettings* pPlotSettings, double numerator, double denominator);
OdDbPlotSettings* pPlotSettings 
[in] Pointer to the PlotSettings object.  
double numerator 
[in] PaperSpace units.  
double denominator 
[in] Media units. 

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Sets the custom print scale for the specified PlotSettings object. 


The custom print scale always reflects the scale that this PlotSettings object will use to plot. 


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