API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE Class > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE Methods > OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE::setPlotPaperSize Method
OdDbSetPlotSettingsPE::setPlotPaperSize Method
virtual OdResult setPlotPaperSize(OdDbPlotSettings * pPlotSettings, double paperWidth, double paperHeight);
OdDbPlotSettings * pPlotSettings 
[in] Pointer to the PlotSettings object.  
double paperWidth 
[in] Sets the paper width.  
double paperHeight 
[in] Sets the paper height. 

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Sets the size of the paper for the specified PlotSettings object. 


Paper size is the physical paper size and includes margins. All distances are returned in millimeters, regardless of the drawing units. 


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