API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSelectionSet Class > OdDbSelectionSet Methods > OdDbSelectionSet::getSubentity Method
OdDbSelectionSet::getSubentity Method
virtual bool getSubentity(const OdDbObjectId& entityId, OdUInt32 i, OdDbFullSubentPath& path) const = 0;
const OdDbObjectId& entityId 
[in] entity id for the parent of the subentity  
OdUInt32 i 
[in] index of the subentity.  
OdDbFullSubentPath& path 
[out] Path to the subentity. 

Returns true if and only if "i" is valid index in the subentities array.

Returns the given subentity path inside the entity with the given id. (analogous to acedSSSubentName)

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