API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPolyFaceMesh Class > OdDbPolyFaceMesh Methods > OdDbPolyFaceMesh::openVertex Method
OdDbPolyFaceMesh::openVertex Method
OdDbPolyFaceMeshVertexPtr openVertex(OdDbObjectId subObjId, OdDb::OpenMode mode, bool openErasedOne = false);
OdDbObjectId subObjId 
[in] Object ID of vertex to be opened.  
OdDb::OpenMode mode 
[in] Mode in which the object is being opened.  
bool openErasedOne = false 
[in] If and only if true, erased objects will be opened. 

Returns a SmartPointer to the opened object if successful, otherwise a null SmartPointer.

Opens the specified vertex owned by this PolyFaceMesh entity. 


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