API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPoint Class > OdDbPoint Methods > OdDbPoint::getPlane Method
OdDbPoint::getPlane Method
virtual OdResult getPlane(OdGePlane& gePlane, OdDb::Planarity& gePlanarity) const;
OdGePlane& gePlane 
[out] Reference to a variable in which this method must save the plane parameters as a plane instance.  
OdDb::Planarity& gePlanarity 
[out] Reference to a variable in which this method must save the plane type (returns kLinear - arbitrary plane). 

Gets an arbitrary plane passed through the point entity. This method is inherited from the OdDbEntity class. 


Example of Working with the Point Object 

Working with Points 

OdDbPoint::isPlanar(), OdDbEntity::getPlane() methods

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