API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPlotSettingsValidator Class > OdDbPlotSettingsValidator Methods > OdDbPlotSettingsValidator::setPlotWindowArea Method
OdDbPlotSettingsValidator::setPlotWindowArea Method
virtual OdResult setPlotWindowArea(OdDbPlotSettings* pPlotSettings, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax) = 0;
OdDbPlotSettings* pPlotSettings 
[in] Pointer to the PlotSettings object.  
double xMin 
[in] X-coordinate of the lower-left corner.  
double yMin 
[in] Y-coordinate of the lower-left corner.  
double xMax 
[in] X-coordinate of the upper-right corner.  
double yMax 
[in] Y-coordinate of the upper-right corner. 

Sets the corners of the plot window area for the specified PlotSettings object. 


The corners define the area to be plotted if and only if plotType == kWindow.

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