API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbPageController Class > OdDbPageController Methods > OdDbPageController::write Method
OdDbPageController::write Method
virtual bool write(Key& key, OdStreamBuf* pStreamBuf) = 0;
Key& key 
[out] Paged data key, as used by read().  
OdStreamBuf* pStreamBuf 
[in] Pointer to the StreamBuf object from which the data are to be written. 

Returns true if and only if the PageController implementation has successfully paged the data.

Pages out data as required to a client-supplied data source. 


Implementations of this function are expected to write the entire contents of pStreamBuf to an external data source, and to set assign a unique value to the key argument that identifies this chunk of paged data. This key value will be used in a subsequent calls to read() to retrieve this specific paged data.

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