API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbObject Class > OdDbObject Methods > OdDbObject::subObjModified Method
OdDbObject::subObjModified Method
virtual void subObjModified(const OdDbObject* pObject, const OdDbObject* pSubObj);
const OdDbObject* pObject 
[in] Pointer to the notifying object.  
const OdDbObject* pSubObj 
[in] A pointer to the subobject owned by pObject. 

Notification function called whenever a method of the specified subobject has called assertWriteEnabled() 


Notification is made upon pObject->close() or pObject->cancel(). 

This function is called only for the modification of the following: 


  • Vertices of OdDb2dPolylines, OdDb3dPolylines, OdDbPolygonMeshs, and OdDbPolyFaceMeshes
  • OdDbFaceRecords of OdDbPolyFaceMeshs
  • OdDbAttributes owned by OdDbBlockReferences, classes derived from OdDbBlockReference, and OdDbMInsertBlocks
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