API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbObject Class > OdDbObject Methods > OdDbObject::createXrecord Method
OdDbObject::createXrecord Method
OdDbXrecordPtr createXrecord(const OdString& xrecordName, OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning style = OdDb::kDrcIgnore);
const OdString& xrecordName 
[in] Xrecord name.  
OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning style = OdDb::kDrcIgnore 
[in] Merge style. 

Returns a SmartPointer to the specified Xrecord. 


  • If the extension dictionary has been erased, it is unerased.
  • If the extension dictionary does not exist, it is created.
  • If the specified Xrecord does not exist, it is created.

Creates or retrieves the specified Xrecord in this object's extension dictionary. 


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