API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMPolygon Class > OdDbMPolygon Methods > OdDbMPolygon::insertMPolygonLoopAt Method
OdDbMPolygon::insertMPolygonLoopAt Method
virtual OdResult insertMPolygonLoopAt(int loopIndex, const OdGePoint2dArray& vertices, const OdGeDoubleArray& bulges, bool excludeCrossing = true, double tol = OdDbMPolygonCrossingFuzz);
int loopIndex 
[in] Loop index.  
const OdGePoint2dArray& vertices 
[in] An array of vertices.  
const OdGeDoubleArray& bulges 
[in] An array of bulge values for loops.  
bool excludeCrossing = true 
[in] Set true to disable creating a polygon if there are crosses between loops.  
double tol = OdDbMPolygonCrossingFuzz 
[in] Measurement accuracy tolerance.

eAmbiguousInput if excludeCrossing is true and there are crosses between loops; eOk if a polygon insert successfully.

Insert a polygon loop to the specified position. 


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