API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMPolygon Class > OdDbMPolygon Methods > OdDbMPolygon::balanceTree Method
OdDbMPolygon::balanceTree Method
virtual OdResult balanceTree();

eOk if check and changes is successful, or eInvalidInput if getMPolygonTree not generate tree.

Checks the direction of the loops and changes to the correct one. The directivity check is based on the resulting tree from getMPolygonTree. Where the depth of the tree indicates the direction of the loop (even values are counterclockwise, not even clockwise). If in MPolygon are loops that are not displayed (invalid), they will be marked again as valid (and will be drawn) if they do not intersect with others. Also check for intersections of the displayed loops(valid). Intersected loops marks as invalid, and there will be not draw. 


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