API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbMLeader Class > OdDbMLeader Enumerations > OdDbMLeader::gsMarkType Enumeration
OdDbMLeader::gsMarkType Enumeration
enum gsMarkType { kNone = 0, kArrowMark = 1, kLeaderLineMark = kArrowMark+MAX_LEADERLINE_NUMBER, kDoglegMark = kLeaderLineMark+MAX_LEADERLINE_NUMBER, kMTextMark = kDoglegMark+MAX_LEADER_NUMBER, kMTextUnderLineMark = kMTextMark+1, kToleranceMark = kMTextUnderLineMark+1, kBlockMark = kToleranceMark+1, kBlockAttribute = kBlockMark+1 };


kNone = 0 
No GS mark. 
kArrowMark = 1 
GS mark of arrow. 
kLeaderLineMark = kArrowMark+MAX_LEADERLINE_NUMBER 
GS mark of leader line. 
kDoglegMark = kLeaderLineMark+MAX_LEADERLINE_NUMBER 
GS mark of dog-leg. 
kMTextMark = kDoglegMark+MAX_LEADER_NUMBER 
GS mark of MText content. 
kMTextUnderLineMark = kMTextMark+1 
GS mark of MText underline content (includes text frame if present). 
kToleranceMark = kMTextUnderLineMark+1 
GS mark of tolerance content. 
kBlockMark = kToleranceMark+1 
GS mark of block content. 
kBlockAttribute = kBlockMark+1 
GS mark of block attribute content. 

Enumeration for MLeader GS mark type.

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