API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLight Class > OdDbLight Methods > OdDbLight::dxfOutFields Method
OdDbLight::dxfOutFields Method
virtual void dxfOutFields(OdDbDxfFiler* pFiler) const;
OdDbDxfFiler* pFiler 
[out] Pointer to a filer object to which to write the data. 

Returns the filer status.

Writes the .dxf file data of this object. 


This function is called by dxfOut() to allow the object to write its data. When overriding this function:

  1. Call assertReadEnabled().
  2. Call the parent class's dxfOutFields(pFiler).
  3. Call the OdDbDxfFiler(pFiler) methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.
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