API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbLayoutPaperPE Class > OdDbLayoutPaperPE Methods > OdDbLayoutPaperPE::drawBorder Method
OdDbLayoutPaperPE::drawBorder Method
virtual bool drawBorder(const OdDbLayout* pThis, OdGiWorldDraw* pWd, OdGePoint3d* points) = 0;
const OdDbLayout* pThis 
[in] The layout that is being vectorized.  
OdGiWorldDraw* pWd 
[in/out] Draw object that can be used by this function to set the necessary attributes and create the necessary geometry.  
OdGePoint3d* points 
[in] Contains the 4 corners of the paper. 

true if the border was successfully drawn, otherwise false, in which case the layout will do a default rendering of the border.

This function is called during vectorization to draw the paper border. 


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