API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatch Class > OdDbHatch Enumerations > OdDbHatch::HatchLoopType Enumeration
OdDbHatch::HatchLoopType Enumeration
enum HatchLoopType { kDefault = 0, kExternal = 1, kPolyline = 2, kDerived = 4, kTextbox = 8, kOutermost = 0x10, kNotClosed = 0x20, kSelfIntersecting = 0x40, kTextIsland = 0x80, kDuplicate = 0x100, kIsAnnotative = 0x200, kDoesNotSupportScale = 0x400, kForceAnnoAllVisible = 0x800, kOrientToPaper = 0x1000, kIsAnnotativeBlock = 0x2000 };


kDefault = 0 
Not yet specified. 
kExternal = 1 
Defined by external entities. 
kPolyline = 2 
Defined by OdGe polyline. 
kDerived = 4 
Derived from a picked point. 
kTextbox = 8 
Defined by text. 
kOutermost = 0x10 
Outermost loop. 
kNotClosed = 0x20 
Open loop. 
kSelfIntersecting = 0x40 
Self-intersecting loop. 
kTextIsland = 0x80 
Text loop surrounded by an even number of loops. 
kDuplicate = 0x100 
Duplicate loop. 
kIsAnnotative = 0x200 
The bounding area is an annotative block. 
kDoesNotSupportScale = 0x400 
The bounding type does not support scaling 
kForceAnnoAllVisible = 0x800 
Forces all annotatives to be visible 
kOrientToPaper = 0x1000 
Orients hatch loop to paper 
kIsAnnotativeBlock = 0x2000 
Describes if the hatch is an annotative block. 

This is record OdDbHatch::HatchLoopType.

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