API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbHatchWatcherPE Class > OdDbHatchWatcherPE Methods > OdDbHatchWatcherPE::getLoopFromIds Method
OdDbHatchWatcherPE::getLoopFromIds Method
virtual void getLoopFromIds(const OdDbHatch* pHatch, OdUInt32& loopType, OdDbObjectIdArray& objectIds, EdgeArray& edges);
const OdDbHatch* pHatch 
[in] The OdDbHatch object.  
OdUInt32& loopType 
[in/out] Type of loop being updated.  
OdDbObjectIdArray& objectIds 
[in] Array of OdDbEntity object IDs that comprise the loop.  
EdgeArray& edges 
[in/out] Array of edges that comprise the loop. 

Returns a loop from the specified OdDbEntity object IDs for the specified OdDbHatch entity. 


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