API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbGeoPositionMarker Class > OdDbGeoPositionMarker Methods > OdDbGeoPositionMarker::latLonAlt Method
OdDbGeoPositionMarker::latLonAlt Method
OdResult latLonAlt(double & lat, double & lon, double & alt) const;
double & lat 
[out] A reference to a double variable to store the latitude value.  
double & lon 
[out] A reference to a double variable to store the longitude value.  
double & alt 
[out] A reference to a double variable to store the alleviation value.

Returns eOk if the new values of the geographical location parameters of the position marker were successfully set into output variables or returns an appropriate error code in the other case.

Returns the current value of the geographical location of the position marker. 


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