API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbEvalConnectable Class > OdDbEvalConnectable Methods > OdDbEvalConnectable::connectionAllowed Method
OdDbEvalConnectable::connectionAllowed Method
virtual bool connectionAllowed(const OdString& thisConnectionName, OdDbEvalNodeId sourceConnectableId, const OdString& sourceConnectionName) const;
const OdString& thisConnectionName 
[in] Connection name on this object.  
OdDbEvalNodeId sourceConnectableId 
[in] Object ID of the other Connectable object.  
const OdString& sourceConnectionName 
[in] Connection name on the other Connectable object. 

Returns true if and only if a connection is allowed from this Connectable object to the specified Connectable object.

Both objects must graph-resident. 


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