API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbBlockReference Class > OdDbBlockReference Methods > OdDbBlockReference::subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker Method
OdDbBlockReference::subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker Method
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker(OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d& pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d& viewXform, OdDbFullSubentPathArray& subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray* pEntAndInsertStack) const;
OdDb::SubentType type 
[in] Subentity type.  
OdGsMarker gsMark 
[in] Gs marker representing a subentity.  
const OdGePoint3d& pickPoint 
[in] WCS point picked during selection of the entity.  
const OdGeMatrix3d& viewXform 
[in] Transformation matrix to transform from WCS to DCS.  
OdDbFullSubentPathArray& subentPaths 
[out] Array of OdDbFullSubentPath objects.  
const OdDbObjectIdArray* pEntAndInsertStack 
[in] Array of object IDs of the objects which are the subcontainers of the subentity. 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

This is subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker, a member of class OdDbBlockReference. 


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