API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbAuditInfo Class > OdDbAuditInfo Methods > printError Method > OdDbAuditInfo::printError Method (OdRxObject*, OdString&, OdString&, OdString&)
OdDbAuditInfo::printError Method (OdRxObject*, OdString&, OdString&, OdString&)
virtual void printError(const OdRxObject* pObject, const OdString& value, const OdString& validation = OdString::kEmpty, const OdString& defaultValue = OdString::kEmpty);
const OdRxObject* pObject 
[in] Pointer to the object which generated the error.  
const OdString& value 
[in] Value of the bad data.  
const OdString& validation = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Reason the data were bad.  
const OdString& defaultValue = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Default value to which the were set. 

Notification function called to print error information. 


odDbGetObjectName(pObject) is used to generate the name.

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