API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbAttributeDefinition Class > OdDbAttributeDefinition Methods > OdDbAttributeDefinition::appendToOwner Method
OdDbAttributeDefinition::appendToOwner Method
void appendToOwner(OdDbIdPair& Idpair, OdDbObject* pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping& ownerIdMap);
OdDbObject* pOwnerObject 
[in] Pointer to the owner object.  
[in] Original-to-clone ID mapping record for this clone.  
[in/out] ID mapping object of the cloning operation in progress. 

This function appends this object to the specified owner object during the deep or wblock clone operation. 


This callback is called before the IDs are translated in the target database so the implementer should use only methods certainly not traversing hierarchy in the target database. To follow clone's references properly they should be translated using the ID mapping object. 

The default implementation appends this object to OdDbDictionary or throws the eInvalidOwnerObject exception if the owner object is not a kind of dictionary.

subDeepClone() subWblockClone() deepClone() wblockClone()

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