API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbArc Class > OdDbArc Methods > OdDbArc::getPointAtParam Method
OdDbArc::getPointAtParam Method
virtual OdResult getPointAtParam(double param, OdGePoint3d& pointOnCurve) const;
double param 
[in] Parameter value specifying the point on the circular curve as a Double value in radians.  
OdGePoint3d& pointOnCurve 
[out] Reference to a variable in which this method must save the three-dimensional point instance corresponding to the parameter. 

Computes the WCS coordinates of the point on the circular arc at the specified parameter value. Parameter is an angle measured counterclockwise from the OCS X-axis in the range 0 to 2PI radians. 


Example of Working with the Circular Arc 

Computed Circular Arc Properties

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