API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbArcAlignedText Class > OdDbArcAlignedText Methods > OdDbArcAlignedText::setFont Method
OdDbArcAlignedText::setFont Method
void setFont(const OdString& typeface, bool bold, bool italic, int charset, int pitchAndFamily);
const OdString& typeface 
[in] Typeface name of the font.  
bool bold 
[in] Bold if and only if true.  
bool italic 
[in] Italic if and only if true.  
int charset 
[in] Windows character set identifier.  
int pitchAndFamily 
[in] Windows pitch and character family identifier. 

Sets this Text entity to use the specified Windows font characteristics. 


If typeface is null, the Windows font information is removed from this text style.

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