API Reference > OdAp Classes > OdApLongTransactionManager Class > OdApLongTransactionManager Methods > OdApLongTransactionManager::checkOut Method
OdApLongTransactionManager::checkOut Method
virtual OdResult checkOut(OdDbObjectId& transId, OdDbObjectIdArray& objList, OdDbObjectId toBlock, OdDbIdMapping& errorMap, OdDbObjectId lockBlkRef = OdDbObjectId::kNull) = 0;
OdDbObjectIdArray& objList 
[in] List/array of objects (in the same block table record) to check out.  
OdDbObjectId toBlock 
[in] Object ID of the block table record to which the objects will be cloned.  
OdDbIdMapping& errorMap 
[out] Receives an empty mapping object.  
OdDbObjectId lockBlkRef = OdDbObjectId::kNull 
[in] Optional object ID of the last block reference, which during checkout will will be placed on a locked layer. 
[out] Receives the object ID of the new long transaction.  

Generates a new long transaction and clones objects from the specified list. 


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