API Reference > OdAp Classes > OdApLongTransactionManager Class > OdApLongTransactionManager Methods
OdApLongTransactionManager Methods

The methods of the OdApLongTransactionManager class are listed here.

Terminates a long transaction during or in between checkin and checkout.
Adds the class of the specified OdRxClass object to the class filter. 
Adds the specified reactor to this object's reactor list. 
Checks in a long transaction that was previously checked out.
Generates a new long transaction and clones objects from the specified list.
This is currentLongTransactionFor, a member of class OdApLongTransactionManager. 
Returns True if the class of the specified OdRxClass object is in the class filter. 
This is ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdApLongTransactionManager. 
Deletes the specified reactor from this object's reactor list. 
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