API Reference > Dgn Extension Classes > ExDgCommandContext Class > ExDgCommandContext Methods > ExDgCommandContext::select Method
ExDgCommandContext::select Method
OdDgSelectionSetPtr select(OdGsView* pGsView, const OdString& prompt = OdString::kEmpty, int options = OdEd::kSelDefault, const OdDgSelectionSet* pDefVal = 0, const OdString& keywords = OdString::kEmpty, OdEdDgSSetTracker* pTracker = 0);
const OdString& prompt = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Message displayed to prompt the user.  
int options = OdEd::kSelDefault 
[in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values.  
const OdString& keywords = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] Keyword string.  
OdEdDgSSetTracker* pTracker = 0 
[in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. 
[in] Pointer to a default value to return if an empty string is received as input.  

Launches interactive object selection to fill selection set. 


Each subsequent call to this function modifies current selection set. Returned value is guaranteed to be not null.

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