API Reference > Dgn Extension Classes > ExDgCommandContext Class
ExDgCommandContext Class
class ExDgCommandContext : public OdDgCommandContext, protected OdDgUserIO, protected OdEdFunctionIO;



This class implements the interface for I/O and database access for custom commands during their execution.

Reads arbitrary data from the specified file with this CommandContext object.  
This is baseDatabase, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is baseFormatter, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
Creates an instance of this CommandContext object.  
Creates a rectangular frame from the specified point to the user input.  
Creates a rubberband line from the specified point to the user input.  
This is formatter, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is funcIO, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getAngle, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
Returns user input of a color.
This is getDist, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getFilePath, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getInt, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getKeyword, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
Returns the LASTPOINT system variable for this CommandContext object. 
This is getPoint, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getReal, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
This is getString, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
Returns the parameter object for this CommandContext object. 
Returns a selection set containing pickfirst data with this CommandContext object. 
Returns a selection set containing previous selection data with this CommandContext object. 
This is putString, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
Returns the result object for this CommandContext object. 
Launches interactive object selection to fill selection set.
Writes arbitrary data to the specified file with this CommandContext object.  
Sets the LASTPOINT system variable for this CommandContext object.  
Sets the parameter object for this CommandContext object.  
Sets the pickfirst selection set for this CommandContext object.  
Sets the previous selection set for this CommandContext object.  
Sets the result object for this CommandContext object.  
This is userIO, a member of class ExDgCommandContext. 
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