API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbViewport Class > OdDbViewport Methods
OdDbViewport Methods

The methods of the OdDbViewport class are listed here.

Retrieves the color of ambient light in this viewport. 
Retrieves a smart pointer to the annotation scale object of this viewport. 
Returns the back clip distance of this Viewport object (DXF 44). 
Retrieves an identifier of the view background for this viewport. 
Retrieves the brightness value which affects the relative intensity of lights in this viewport. 
Returns the WCS center point of this Viewport object (DXF 10). 
Returns the circle zoom percent of this Viewport object (DXF 72). 
Retrieves the contrast value which affects the intensity of ambient lights on other lights in this viewport. 
Returns the custom scale of this Viewport object. 
Retrieves the default lighting type for this viewport. 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
This is DWGMAP_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbViewport. 
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the .dxf file data of this object.
Reads the .dxf file data specific to the R12 version of this object.
Writes the .dxf file data of this object.
Writes the .dxf file data specific to the R12 version of this object.
Returns the plot style sheet name associated with this Viewport object. 
Returns the elevation of the UCS plane of this entity (DXF 146). 
Notification function called whenever an object is erased or unerased.
Explodes viewport geometry into a set of simpler entities.
Freezes the specified layers in this Viewport object (DXF 341)
Returns the front clip distance of this Viewport object (DXF 43). 
Returns all layers that are frozen in this Viewport object.  
Retrieves an object identifier of the label block (OdDbBlockReference) associated with this viewport. 
Retrieves the exterally referenced object identifier of the model view associated with this viewport. 
Retrieves an object identifier of a sheet view associated with this viewport. 
Returns the origin, X-axis, and Y-Axis of the UCS associated with this Viewport object.
Returns the grid increment of this Viewport object (DXF 15). 
Retrieves the number of minor grid lines between each major grid line. 
Retrieves a pointer to a GS view associated with this viewport. 
Returns the height of this Viewport object (DXF 41). 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport object will have hidden lines removed during plotting. (DXF 90, bit 0x800). 
Returns true if and only if back clipping is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x04). 
Checks whether default lighting is enabled for this viewport. 
Returns true if and only if fast zooms are on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x80). 
Returns true if and only if the front clipping plane passes through the camera (DXF 90, bit 0x10). 
Returns true if and only if front clipping is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x02). 
Checks whether the grid adapts to display fewer or more lines in the viewport than the value specified by the GRIDUNIT setting. An adaptive grid can be useful to avoid issues when a viewport is zoomed out too much and the grid becomes too dense, or on the contrary, when a viewport is zoomed in too much, there can be too few lines to display the grid. 
Checks whether a grid is diplayed only inside the limits for the WCS and UCS in this viewport. 
Checks whether the grid responds to dynamic UCS changes in this viewport. 
Returns true if and only if the grid is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x200). 
Checks whether grid subdivision is not allowed below the minor grid spacing in this viewport. 
Returns true and only if the specified layer is frozen in this Viewport object.  
Returns true if and only if scale factor of this Viewport object is locked (DXF 90, bit 0x4000). 
Returns true if and only if non-rectangular clipping is enabled for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x10000). 
Returns true if and only if this Viewport object is on (DXF 90, bit 0x20000). 
Returns true if and only if perspective is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x01). 
Returns true if and only if isometric snap style is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x400). 
Returns true if and only if the snap mode is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x100). 
Not implemented. The value returned is not saved to file. Always returns true. 
Returns true if and only if UCS follow mode is on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x08). 
Returns true if and only if the UCS icon is at the UCS origin for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x40). 
Returns true if and only if the UCS icon is visible for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x20). 
True if and only if the UCS associated with this Viewport object is orthographic with respect to UCSBASE (DXF 79).
Returns true if and only if the UCS that is associated with this Viewport object will become active with the activation of this Viewport object. 
Returns the perspective mode lens length (in mm) of this Viewport object (DXF 42). 
Notification function called whenever an object is opened in the OdDb::kForWrite mode, a function is called that could modify the contents of this object, and this object is now being closed.
Returns the Object ID of the clipping entity for this Viewport object (DXF 340). 
Returns the ID number of this Viewport object. 
Checks whether the viewport will plot raster output based on the viewport's current shade plot settings. 
Returns the name of the plot style sheet applied to objects in this Viewport object (DXF 1). 
Checks whether the viewport will plot vector output based on the viewport's current shade plot settings. 
Sets this Viewport object to have hidden lines removed during plotting. (DXF 90, bit 0x800). 
Removes the label block (OdDbBlockReference) associated with this viewport. 
Removes the model view association from this viewport. 
Removes the sheet view association from this viewport. 
Returns the render mode of this Viewport object (DXF 281). 
Sets the color of ambient light in this viewport.
Sets the annotation scale object for this viewport.
Sets the back distance of this Viewport object (DXF 44).  
Turns off back clipping for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x04). 
Turns on back clipping for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x04). 
Sets the view background for this viewport.
Sets the brightness value which affects the relative intensity of lights in this viewport.
Sets the WCS center point of this Viewport object (DXF 10).  
Sets the circle zoom percent of this Viewport object (DXF 72).  
Sets the contrast value which affects the intensity of ambient lights on other lights in this viewport.
Sets the custom scale of this Viewport object.  
Enables or disables default lighting for this viewport.
Sets the default lighting type for this viewport.
Sets the elevation of the UCS plane of this Viewport object (DXF 146).  
Sets fast zooms off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x80). 
Sets fast zooms on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x80). 
Sets the front clipping plane to utilize the front clip distance (DXF 90, bit 0x10). 
Sets the front clipping plane to pass through the camera (DXF 90, bit 0x10). 
Sets the front clip distance of this Viewport object (DXF 43).  
Turns off front clipping for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x02). 
Turns on front clipping for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x02). 
Specifies whether to adapt the grid display. An adaptive grid can be useful to avoid issues when a viewport is zoomed out too much and the grid becomes too dense, or on the contrary, when a viewport is zoomed in too much, there can be too few lines to display the grid.
Specifies whether to display a grid only inside the limits for the WCS and UCS in this viewport.
Specifies whether the grid should be redrawn according to dynamic UCS changes in this viewport.
Sets the grid increment of this Viewport object (DXF 15).  
Specifies the number of minor grid lines between each major grid line. For example, if the passed value is 10, a major grid line is displayed at every 10-th minor grid line.
Sets the grid off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x200). 
Sets the grid on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x200). 
Specifies whether to restrict grid subdivision below the minor grid spacing in this viewport.
Associates a GS view with this viewport.
Sets the height of this Viewport object (DXF 41).  
Associates a label block (OdDbBlockReference) with this viewport.
Sets the perspective mode lens length of this Viewport object (DXF 42).  
Locks the scale factor of this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x4000). 
Associates a model view (defined by the passed external reference 'objId') with this viewport.
Sets the Object ID of the clipping entity for this Viewport object (DXF 340).
Sets non-rectangular clipping off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x10000). 
Sets non-rectangular clipping on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x10000). 
Turns off this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x20000, DXF 68 zero). 
Turns on this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x20000, DXF 68 non-zero). 
Not implemented. The set value is not saved to file. 
Sets perspective off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x01). 
Sets perspective on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x01). 
Sets the plot style sheet name associated with this Viewport object. 
Set the render mode of this Viewport object (DXF 281).  
This is the overview for the setShadePlot method overload. 
Associates a sheet view with this viewport.
Sets the UCS snap angle of this Viewport object (DXF 50).  
Sets the UCS snap base point of this Viewport object (DXF 13).  
Sets the snap increment of this Viewport object (DXF 14).  
Sets the isometric snap style on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x400). 
Sets the snap IsoPair of this Viewport object (DXF 14).  
Sets the snap mode off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x100). 
Sets the snap mode on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x100). 
Sets the isometric snap style off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x400). 
Sets the standard scale type of this Viewport object.  
Sets the sun (distant light) for this viewport.
Sets the tone parameters for this viewport.  
Not implemented. The set value is not saved to file. 
Sets the DCS twist angle of this Viewport object (DXF 51).  
This is the overview for the setUcs method overload. 
Sets UCS follow mode off for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x08). 
Sets UCS follow mode on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x08). 
Sets the UCS icon to the corner of this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x40). 
Sets the UCS icon to the UCS origin for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x40). 
Sets UCS icon visible false for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x20). 
Sets UCS icon visible on for this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x20). 
Controls the activation of the UCS that is associated with this Viewport object with the activation of this Viewport object.
Sets the UCS associated with this Viewport object to the WCS. 
Unlocks the scale factor of this Viewport object (DXF 90, bit 0x4000). 
Sets the DCS view center of this Viewport object (DXF 12).  
Sets the WCS view direction of this Viewport object (DXF 16).  
Sets the DCS view height of this Viewport object (DXF 45).  
Sets the WCS view target of this Viewport object (DXF 17).  
Sets the visual style for this viewport.
Sets the width of this Viewport object (DXF 40).  
Retrieves the shade plot mode for this viewport. 
Retrieves the shade object (visual style or render preset) for the plotting associated with this viewport. 
Sets this Viewport object to have hidden shown lines during plotting. (DXF 90, bit 0x800). 
Returns the UCS snap angle of this Viewport object (DXF 50). 
Returns the UCS snap base point of this Viewport object (DXF 13). 
Returns the snap increment of this Viewport object (DXF 14). 
Returns the snap IsoPair of this Viewport object (DXF 14). 
Returns the standard scale type of this Viewport object 
Called as the first operation when this object is being closed; for database-resident objects only. 
Called as the first operation when this object is being erased or unerased.
Returns the CLSID value associated with this object.
This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbViewport. 
Retrieves the copied version of this viewport transformed by the specified transformation matrix.
Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.
Called by setDatabaseDefaults() after the values are set.
Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.
This is subWorldDraw, a member of class OdDbViewport. 
Retrieves the object identifier of the sun (distant light) associated with this viewport. 
Updates (syncronizes) parameters of the OdDbViewport object with parameters in the associated view. 
Thaws all layers in this Viewport object. 
Thaws the specified layers in this Viewport object (DXF 341)
Retrieves tone parameters for this viewport.  
Returns the DCS twist angle of this Viewport object (DXF 51). 
Returns the Object ID of the UCS associated with this Viewport object (DXF 345 or 346). 
Updates the display to reflect changes in this Viewport object. 
Returns the DCS view center of this Viewport object (DXF 12). 
Returns the WCS view direction of this Viewport object (DXF 16). 
Returns the DCS view height of this Viewport object (DXF 45). 
Returns the WCS view target of this Viewport object (DXF 17). 
Retrieves an identifier of the visual style object that is used for this viewport. 
Returns the width of this Viewport object (DXF 40). 
Adjusts the parameters of this viewport object such that the view is zoomed to the extents of the drawing. 
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