API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDbSymbolTableRecord Class > OdDbSymbolTableRecord Methods
OdDbSymbolTableRecord Methods

The methods of the OdDbSymbolTableRecord class are listed here.

This function appends this object to the specified owner object during the deep or wblock clone operation.
Copies the contents of other into the messaged object, whenever feasible 
Reads the .dwg file data of this object.
Writes the .dwg file data of this object.
Reads the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Writes the DXF data of this object.
Returns the name of the record object (DXF 2). 
Returns true if and only if this Record object is Xref dependent (DXF 70, bit 0x10). 
Returns true if and only if this Record object is Xref dependent and resolved (DXF 70, bit 0x20). 
This is ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS, a member of class OdDbSymbolTableRecord. 
Sets the name for the record object (DXF 2).
Called as the first operation as this object is being erased or unerased.
Called as the first operation of swapIdWith
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